Wednesday, January 4, 2023

how do i install visual studio code using homebrew?

If you're a developer, you know that Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is an increasingly popular code editor. And while some may use the installer provided by Microsoft, others prefer to install it using Homebrew, the package manager for macOS.

Installing VSCode with Homebrew will keep your version of VSCode up-to-date, give you access to packages and extensions, and make it easier to manage multiple versions of the editor. So if you'd like to install Visual Studio Code with Homebrew, here's how to do it:

First, open your Terminal application and enter the following command:

```brew tap homebrew/cask```

This command taps the Homebrew repository for additional software that can be installed with Homebrew commands. Next you'll issue this command:

``` brew cask install visual-studio-code ```

This will install Visual Studio Code on your system and make it available from your Applications folder. To launch VSCode from the command line:

``` code ```

You can also set VSCode as your default editor by typing this in Terminal:

``` export EDITOR='code --wait' ```

Now when you issue commands such as Git log or Revise file_name.txt , they will open in Visual Studio Code automatically. If you'd like to uninstall VSCode at any time, use this command instead of brew cask install :

``` brew cask uninstall visual-studio-code ```

See more about brew install vscode

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